Our Blog as a Top Bernedoodle and Goldendoodle Breeder in Oregon
We are on the road towards being a Top Breeder of Bernedoodle and Goldendoodle Puppies from Seattle, Washington to Portland, Oregon and Los Angeles, California
The journey of a breeder of Bernedoodles, Goldendoodles, or any Doodles can be a harrowing journey, especially when you’re striving to be the best Bernedoodle and Goldendoodle Breeder in Oregon and the Pacific Northwest.. People are advertising Goldendoodles on Instagram from unknown origins, or are scamming people with photos of Bernedoodle puppies on Facebook. As a Doodle breeder, you can get a lot of anger and condemnation for purebred breeders who can feel threatened, attacked, or offended by poodle hybrids.
However, we’re striving to do it differently. We’ve joined GANA, Good Dog, and other arenas that promote responsible breeding practices. Our Goldendoodle and Bernedoodle moms and dads are from all around the country. We’re pursuing continuing education through mentorship, reading, and learning in a lot of different avenues. That way we can be the best Bernedoodle and Goldendoodle Breeder that we can be, and that we can bring healthy and flourishing Goldendoodles and Bernedoodles to Portland Oregon, Seattle Washington, Los Angeles California, and beyond.
We want to share this journey with you; our journey of raising joy. These Goldendoodles and Bernedoodles are a powerful companions, and teachers of joy. We hope that this blog is our travel log towards deeper and deeper ripples of joy.
So enjoy!
Erin and Jay
Spring Starts off with a Bang
We’ve had a wild few weeks here, but we are caught up in PUPPY LOVE!
A Sweet Goldendoodle Bernedoodle Friendship
We were wondering how Goldendoodle Maple and Bernedoodle Belle would hit it off.
February Puppy Party!
We’re living the dream right now with a couple puppy litters here in Central Oregon!
January’s Vibrant Greetings and Heavy Farewells
Our January has been full of some ups and downs, while still full of tremendous beauty.
Understanding Your Dog in “For the Love of a Dog”
As far as we can tell, both dogs and people have complex emotions and it’s good for all of us to notice them.
Christmas Goldendoodle Puppies!
As we enter into this cozy winter season, here’s what’s going on at High Desert Family Doodles.
Autumn Bernedoodle Puppies
We had a wonderful cornocopia of bernedoodle puppies this autumn!
One Doodle’s Sun Sets, Another Doodle Rises
We’ve had some ups and downs in August at High Desert Family Doodles.
Farewell Bernedoodles, Hello Goldendoodles
We just said farewell to our Bernedoodle litter, but welcomed some Goldendoodle puppies too!