so what’s the difference between bernedoodles and goldendoodles?

Comparing Oregon Goldendoodle and Bernedoodle Puppies for Sale

bernedoodle and goldendoodle puppies for sale: the showdown

I bet you remember those pesky high school writing prompts that started with an invitation to

“Compare and Contrast . . . Macbeth and Hamlet . . . Tolstoy and Dostoyevski . . . Emerson and Thoreau . . . the Pythagorean theorem and the Quadratic equation (okay, maybe not that one).”

If you’re like me, you struggled to figure out how to write, because the question seemed so open and bland. For those who enjoyed these prompts, we’re all awaiting your great American novel.

However, I find myself getting asked that same question when people are exploring whether they should get a Goldendoodle or Bernedoodle puppy. “What are the differences between the Golden Doodles and Bernedoodles?” “Do Goldendoodles behave better than Bernedoodles?” “Which one is better with people?” So here we are, and I feel the need to spend some time comparing and contrasting Bernedoodles and Goldendoodles in order to help people get a better picture of where this Doodle Venn diagrams and where it doesn’t. We have also addressed some general Goldendoodle questions, along with also addressing some common Bernedoodle questions.

Let’s jump in!

Bend Oregon-Seattle Washington Goldendoodle and Bernedoodle puppy share some tongue-out time

bernedoodle and goldendoodle similarities

Let’s start with the similarities. This list is far from exhaustive; we are wanting to target the big ones.

  1. Bernedoodles and Goldendoodles are Poodle Hybrids: While this may go without saying, both are a mixture of poodles and either Bernese Mountain Dogs or Golden Retrievers. So this poodle ancestry brings with it a couple of notable things. First, both Goldendoodles and Bernedoodles will need to get regularly groomed (roughly every 6-8 weeks) in order to keep their coats healthy. Second, poodles are also incredibly intelligent dogs, so they tend to start with a high intellectual baseline. Lastly, poodles can also be quite active, so the Bernedoodle and Golden Doodle tend to have higher activity requirements.

  2. Bernedoodles and Goldendoodles are intensely people-centered: The both have a deep draw to people - especially their families - and find incredible joy being around them. Don’t expect either of these breeds to be the guard dog, because they love people. We’ve been around a lot of different dog breeds, but few - if any - seem together as much joy out of a good cuddle session. This can come as a warning though; both Goldendoodles and Bernedoodles would struggle with being left home alone all day, and may cope with their separation anxiety through naughty behaviors, such as shoe chewing.

  3. Bernedoodles and Goldendoodles are similar in size: Both of these puppies have a similar range, where they can be a petite variety that is under 25 pounds, while standard Goldendoodles and Bernedoodles can easily approach a hundred pounds! Bernedoodles’ frames may be more stocky and broad due to their Bernese heritage, however an English Cream Blockhead Goldendoodle can be just as thick.

Boise Idaho - Portland Oregon - A Cute Bernedoodle puppy for sale

bernedoodle and goldendoodle differences

Here are some key differences between Goldendoodles and Bernedoodles.

  1. Bernedoodles tend to be more cautious around new people: All things being equal, Bernedoodles can take a little more time to warm up to unfamiliar people than Goldendoodles. However, this is probably more a commentary on the Goldendoodle’s absurdly extreme love of people. While the Bernedoodle might be more cautious at first, it doesn’t take long for a well-socialized Bernedoodle to settle in with anyone and try to get as much cuddling as they can get. Bernedoodles Belle and Yose both open up to someone when they’re getting pet.

  2. Bernedoodles can be more stubborn: Due to the BMD’s history of a herd and farm dog, the Bernedoodle can be somewhat headstrong in their drives and desire to do particular things, or things a particular way. While this is something that can easily be addressed with good training, don’t be surprised if the Bernedoodle may not be as receptive as a Goldendoodle.

  3. Goldendoodles typically are higher energy: As stated earlier, both the Bernedoodle and Goldendoodle need more exercise than the average dog. The Goldendoodle does tend to be a higher energy doodle when compared to the Bernedoodle. On the whole, the Bernedoodle tends to be much easier-going than the Goldendoodle.

Seattle Washington - Salem Oregon Goofy Goldendoodle Puppy

a conclusion on bernedoodles and goldendoodles

Hopefully this was a helpful journey through some main similarities and differences between Goldendoodles and Bernedoodles. Overall, we feel like both of these doodles make ideal family pets; they are incredibly gracious and friendly with people, and love as much people-time as they can get.

If you are interesting in a Bernedoodle or Goldendoodle puppy, please reach out to us at High Desert Family Doodles. Ask questions, get to know our Doodle parents, or even fill out an Doodle Puppy Application.

Thanks for being here, and let us know if we could help at all!


Erin and Jay

Sleepy Bernedoodle Puppies for Sale; San Francisco California and Bend Oregon