The Joy of Our Three Litters of Goldendoodle Puppies

Rosie's Mini Goldendoodle Puppies, going to Washington and Oregon

Things are quite busy around the house for us right now! Our three litters of Goldendoodle puppies are all happy, peppy, and thriving. This past week has been full of some events for the litters, along with some age-specific training/exposure for each of these different groups of goldendoodle puppies. Here are a few fun things about the past week!

It’s tough to believe, but Rosie’s Rose litter goes to their forever homes this coming week! This week, our families got to pick their puppies, so we got to see where they will get to call home. Violet, Emma, and Graham will be calling the greater Seattle area home, while Desi will be headed to Ashland, Oregon, and Juliet will call Redmond, Oregon home. They had their first vet checkup this week, where these goldendoodle puppies received their first shots along with their microchips. We’ve continued crate training this week with Rosie’s litter, and they’re all doing great with using their potty pads inside, but mostly going to the bathroom outside as well. They do still have accidents - which is to be expected with puppies at their age - but they are all doing great. We began “manding” training this week, where we start training them to “sit to say ‘please’” with a clicker. This will help them restrain their puppy excitement to jump. They’ll be headed home before we know it!

Oregon Teddy Bear Goldendoodle Puppy Cassie could be going to Portland Oregon

While Luna’s starry night litter is a week younger than Rosie’s, they’re definitely getting bigger. These two goldendoodle litters spend play time together, while they nap separately. This means that Luna’s litter has also began “manding” training, although it’s a little easier for them to get distracted. Luna will still feed them a couple times a day, but her puppies get most of their food from two daily meals of dry kibble. These goldendoodle puppies are a playful bunch, both with other puppies and people. Quite a few adults and children visit us throughout the day, so these puppies get significant social exposure with a wide variety of people. Luna’s litter has also been doing a great job with using their potty pads while inside, and going to the bathroom outside most of the time. A couple personality observations: Crux and Gemini are probably the most outgoing, while Ursa and Carina have the gentlest spirits. However, they all get along with each other great. This litter has their vet appointments this week, along with puppy placements. Another exciting week ahead with this litter!

Meanwhile, Honey’s litter turned three weeks old this week! Honey is still regularly feeding ALL NINE OF THEM throughout the day, and doing a great job with it. These medium goldendoodle puppies are all gaining weight, and showing signs of progress. We’ve finished with their early handling exercises, and we will begin with other stimulation exercises. All of their eyes are opened, and they are getting around their whelping box quite well. They have quite a wide array of coat colors, with some dark red, while others are a light cream. They will also all have curly coats. We will begin feeding them puppy mush soon, and look forward to see them becoming more active, and showing much more personality.

Salem Oregon and San Francisco California Goldendoodle Puppies in transit

While our days are full with helping these little treasures grow and giving them the building blocks to flourish, it’s so filled with joy.

It’s joyful to watch these goldendoodles begin to open their eyes and see the world for the first time. I

t’s joyful to see these puppies explore the big world around them.

It’s joyful to see our goldendoodle moms come alive as they mother their puppies.

It’s joyful to witness our older dogs befriend these new puppies.

It’s joyful to watch these goldendoodles quickly respond to us, learning along the way.

It’s joyful to share these wonderful puppies with their forever families, and see them both light up.

This journey of raising joy is such a privilege, and we treasure the journey with these little puppies in our hearts.


Erin and Jay


Our Goldendoodle Puppies are all growing up


Our Newest Goldendoodle Momma; meet Ms. Winnie